www.hapshoe.com | Terms and Conditions of Use


 This Website User Agreement (“User Agreement”) is between the Raker Ayakkabı Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi (“www.hapshoe.com”) and the User who logs in and / or is a member of the website as User to use the Website. and the website is instantly approved by the User in the electronic environment where it is located.


By signing into the Website and / or as a member, the user agrees and acknowledges that has read the entire User Agreement, understands its content in its entirety and approves all its provisions.



 Hapshoe offers various communication services (voting, gift package ordering, special production order, requesting announcement, promotion notification) and electronic shopping to its members who approve the contract. Hapshoe membership system Hapshoe member has a “password” that he / she will set. The e-mail address you provided during registration is unique to the member and has the opportunity to create a single membership; You cannot have two different subscriptions with the same e-mail address. The "password" is known only by the user. User can change password whenever wants to. The selection and password is the user's responsibility to protect all. Hapshoe is not responsible for any problems arising from password usage. The user must enter the e-mail address and password they entered during registration in order to connect to the services that require a Virtual Store membership. This process is defined as "logging in" to the Hapshoe online store.



 The general appearance and design of this website and all information, pictures, Hapshoe brand and other brands on the website, www.Hapshoe.com domain name, logo, icon, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable technical data, computer software is the owner or licensee of all materials, including the applied sales system, business method and business model, and the related intellectual and industrial property rights and is under legal protection. No Materials on the website; It may not be modified, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, republished, installed on another computer, posted, transmitted, presented or distributed, including code and software, without prior permission and reference. The whole or part of the website cannot be used on another website without permission. These kind of actions require legal and criminal liability.


Users accept, declare and undertake not to infringe any and all Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of Hapshoe and other Users on the Website.



 Users accept, declare and undertake that the information and content provided by them within the Website are correct and legal. Hapshoe is not obliged or liable to investigate the accuracy of the information and content transmitted by the Users or uploaded, changed or provided by them on the Website, to undertake and guarantee that such information and content are safe, correct and lawful, as well as the information and content in question are incorrect or It cannot be held responsible for any damage that may arise due to false informations provided by users.


 The matters related to the security, storage, keeping away from the information of third parties and using the means of access to the system (User name, password, etc.) used by the Users in order to benefit from the Services offered by Hapshoe are entirely under the responsibility of the Users. Hapshoe does not have any direct or indirect liability for the damages that the Users and / or third parties have suffered or may suffer due to all their negligence and faults in matters such as the security, storage, keeping away from third parties 'information, use of the users' means of access to the system.


 Users accepts not to messaging as threatening, immoral, racist, contrary to Law of Republic of Turkey and international agreements, media added correspondence, titles, nicknames against public morality, manners and to be in accordance with the law, act in a manner that would affect the use of the service for other users whether or not the names of the person or institution to publish, print, distribute, advertise, sell or offer any goods or services, not engage in surveys, contests or chain letters.


 The user does not send any information or programs that will damage the information or software on the computer of other users, any records or materials obtained using Hapshoe services are within the user's consent, that the user is solely responsible for any malfunctions, loss of information and other losses on the user's computer. undertakes not to claim compensation from Hapshoe for damages that may be incurred due to the use of the service, and not to use Hapshoe services for commercial or advertising purposes without obtaining permission from Hapshoe.


 Hapshoe can monitor the entire system at any time or continuously, and if members violate the rules, Hapshoe has the right to intervene, remove the member from service and terminate the membership.


 The User accepts the authorizezation of Hapshoe to disclose confidential / private / commercial information belonging to Hapshoe to both the official authorities and the rightful persons, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Provisions and in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force or in cases where it is claimed that the rights of other Users and third parties are violated. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will claim anything from Hapshoe for any reason whatsoever.


 The User may not transfer its rights and obligations under the User Agreement partially or completely to any third party without the written consent of Hapshoe.com.


 The customer is obliged to make the purchase on the system through a valid credit card, and if the credit card validity is not approved, the customer will not be able to make purchases from the system. If the product is received by another person, the person who receives the product has to sign the document on behalf of Hapshoe that the person who delivered the product has to sign “that he knows the person who sent the product to him” and that the product may not be delivered if the document is not signed. has accepted and committed that the order will be deemed unrealized.


 Hapshoe may temporarily suspend or stop the system operation at any time. Hapshoe will have no liability to its members or third parties due to the temporary suspension of the system or its complete suspension. The e-mail address and password entered by the user during registration will be displayed and confirmed after the application fields to be presented to the customer by Hapshoe. Hapshoe can prevent customers who have filled all the fields or customers who are connected even though they have a password from having a new password or using their passwords indefinitely.


 Hapshoe does not guarantee that its services will be provided in a timely, secure and error-free manner, that the results obtained from the use of the service are correct and reliable, and that the service quality will meet expectations.


 Hapshoe has the copyrights of the products and / or outsourced information, documents, software, designs, graphics, etc. that belongs to the Hapshoe.com.


 Hapshoe's sales are limited to its own stocks. Hapshoe may not deliver products that are not in stock, and can cancel the order, return the order amount to the customer account.


 By displaying the products in the Virtual Shop, Hapshoe does not undertake to keep the products in stock.


 Hapshoe is fully authorized to use the personal information that Hapshoe member transmits for commercial purposes for the necessary communication, promotion, delivery of goods, advertisement, etc. to the content providers and web service users.


 Without the consent of the customer, Hapshoe may support companies that have products within Hapshoe to carry out all kinds of advertising and promotion activities towards the customer, using customer information within Hapshoe, or may carry out these activities in person.


 The obligation to change the price and product specification information of the products offered for sale in Hapshoe belongs to Raker Ayakkabı Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi. If an error occurs in the price and product specification information, Hapshoe can deliver the product to correct the error or cancel the order and return the order amount to the customer account.


 Hapshoe can make the member to switch to other websites. In this case, the member agrees that Hapshoe is not responsible for the content of the sites to which they will be switched.


 Hapshoe may make changes in the implementation of this contract as well as change the existing articles or add new articles in order to comply with the technical requirements and legislation that may arise in the future. In this case, the member must approve the contract changes by clicking the relevant button in order to benefit from the services.


 Hapshoe's non-subscription services can be turned into a subscription-based situation over time. Hapshoe may open additional services, change some of its services partially or completely, or convert them into paid ones. Hapshoe has the right to allow customers to shop, even though the credit card limit cannot be approved.



 Hapshoe certainly does not share the personal information obtained from the membership form with third parties, does not use or share it for commercial purposes other than sale, without the knowledge of the user or otherwise.


 Hapshoe can use and store the "Member / Personal" information declared by the "User" to the "Website", in accordance with the Privacy Policy, in accordance with the obligations set out in this agreement and the execution of the applications required for the operation of the "Website" and the statistical evaluations determined, advertising, marketing activities for the purpose of offering special advantages to the user and for other commercial communication activities. “User” agrees and declares that he / she consents to such use and storage of his / her information by Hapshoe. Hapshoe will take all necessary measures to ensure that such information is stored securely. The user will have the right to make changes on their personal information at any time.


 Only the User can access all the information registered herself / himself the user enters into the system and only the User can change this information. It is not possible for anyone else to access and change this information. Hapshoe is not responsible for any damages that may occur due to the user's e-mail address and password being known by a third party and the use of the membership.


 Hapshoe may, at its basic right, change this User Agreement and its annexes at any time it deems appropriate by posting on the Website unilaterally. The changed provisions of this User Agreement will become valid on the date they are announced; the remaining provisions will remain in full force and will continue to inculcate the consequences.



 This User Agreement will remain in effect as long as the User logs into the Website and / or becomes a member, and will continue to have terms and consequences between the parties; In case the membership period of the user expires or the membership is suspended temporarily or permanently, it will be deemed to have ended. Hapshoe will be able to unilaterally terminate the User Agreement if the Users violate this User Agreement and / or similar rules regarding membership and Services on the Website, and the Users, due to termination, Hapshoe will be liable to compensate all direct or indirect damages incurred by users.



Raker Ayakkabı Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

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